TransPennine, Warrington-Altrincham
Ex‐railwayline of interest to cyclists especially

Not a national route, the TransPennine Trail is part of a national initiative. The TransPennine comes from Liverpool to Warrington along the Shankley Canal… this long path into Manchester is likely the reason for the borderline ungood Altrincham‐Stretford TransPennine section. Warrington access is busy roads, poor. Waymarking is unnecessary, but good. This is an ex‐railway line, six foot or more wide of hard flat surface, wide enough for cyclists and everyone else to share. Wild hedge fields all the way. Only 1/2 mile from the Bridgewater Canal South‐West branch—‐cyclists will prefer the TransPennine (which is closer to the attractions), walkers may find the Bridgewater Canal towpath more involving.