Moses Gate Country Park
Country park with water features, unusual scenery and ecology

Get there
- Public Transport
Bus/Train, 1/3 mile
- Private Transport
Large carpark
Public transport: Unpleasant walk along busy roads and junctions. Slopes, too.
Moses Gate is on the River Croal. The Croal is heavy here, makes a small valley, joins with the river Irwell. To the side was a canal, now breached. There was a gravel industry too, which heaped rubble taller than two houses. Result? The park is crazy scenery—marsh, rocky riverbanks, tangled wood, still pools. There’s a wide pool where the visitor centre stands. To the north is trees with trails that wind past the Darcey Gravel Pits, to the south is Nob End, a site of Special Scientific Interest. The gravel process made chemical sludge, which was dumped, then calcified. New soil, new life. Upsides? Moses Country Park is an obvious destination for a family day out or a walk with the dog. Much good parking. Maintained by rangers. Used by horses. Includes a cemetery. Downsides? The water may be slightly toxic, so don’t let your dog or anyone drink it. Marshy paths are no place for wheelchairs. Near roads—the whine is in the air. Bar the train station, nothing else near. Unless you want to see insects, or own a horse, Moses Gate is no reason to travel far, but it is worth a trip—good claim for most amazing park in Manchester.