Debdale Park
Large and popular park for an afternoon walk
Get there
- Public Transport Bus/Train, 0 mins walk
- Private Transport Carparks
Public Transport: Buses, thousands, anything down Hyde Road. Fairfield train station at the top of the park (an unusual approach). Private transport: parking has a contradictory rating (no parking, but enough) because parking is in business areas nearby, or local streets.
Some may question why Debdale Park is not a featured attraction. This park is large, going on huge—over a mile of wide land that spreads from two winding reservoirs. Debdale has attractions, including the Donkey Sanctuary, bowling greens, tennis courts, sailing clubs and an active water sports scene. Oh, and a McDonalds at the Gorton end. And Debdale is next to one of Manchester’s dense‐populated areas, a canal, and near the end of the Fallowfield Loop walk/cycle route. Which makes Debdale popular, and known across Manchester. Whatever, there are reasons why this park is only popular locally. Despite loose planting at the Gorton end, and the winding reservoirs, this is flat empty land with no architecture or history, so not much for sight or thought. The top reservoir has a path down one side only, and the reservoir side paths are poor and become after rain puddled, mucky and slippy. The attractions are specialist. If you are nearby and would like a walk, or for specialist purpose, good… but not worth a trip.