
The Lowry Art Gallery

Salford Quays

Small art gallery displays work by L.S. Lowry


image of the-lowry-art-gallery

Get there

Public transport: Bus/Tram ‘MediaCity’. Private transport: Shopping centre carpark. Parking can by reputation be difficult. Fills to capacity with no overflow options. Also, complaints about payment machines.


Note: luggage can not be taken into the galleries. The gallery is inside a theatre, The Lowry, which is inside an area called Salford Quays. It’s not the Guggenheim… you figure why. Entry through the theatre door, off‐putting. Then meet‐and‐greet. Then two flights of stairs by the theatre, or the lift. Another meet‐and‐greet. Then the gallery fronts with a child‐orientated space—admittedly, tight to the main space. When there, a single‐artist gallery with support work. Broken into box spaces. The ceiling, with windows, is close above. Commentary is minimal and includes Lowry’s own words. All in all, a nice way to see paintings. At the end, a film to watch. Coverage is good, seascapes and sketches too. I can’t see anyone wanting to be down on The Lowry complex. But the gallery is a trek, small, designed as part of a wider experience, so fails the criteria. Maybe you can make it work as part of a wider Quays visit, or activities beyond this site’s remit—a visit to the theatre, or eating at one of the many cafes and restaurants.