Runway Visitor Park
Visitor area with view of Manchester Airport runway and some exhibit aircraft

Get there
- Public Transport
Bus/Train/Tram, 3 miles
- Private Transport
- All days, 8–6, £16
- (times/price are a guide only)
Public transport: there’s a path some of the way round the fence—people walk. Times for viewing are longer, 8–7. Carpark can cost £12, and Concorde/Nimrod tours up to £38
The Runway Visitor Park is near 30 years old. Positioned in a place you would choose to watch airplanes take off, from Manchester Airport Runway 1. There’s a little funfair and adventure playground. There’s Nimrod and Concorde airplanes—you can go on guided tours. A flight simulator. A large cafe. A shop—models, bits of aircraft, toys, books all kinds of things on sale. Or go outside—watch airplanes take off. There’s commentary by outdoor loudspeakers which is casual, informative and likeable. If you’re going, midday may have more Runway 1 action. Downsides? Can add up expensive. Personal opinion: Concorde was historical re‐enaction, a little ugly, and I want to hear and walk aircraft, not watch videos and strap in a seat to be told how significant things are. Less personal: some children, and adults, are serious—there’s not much here. Static aircraft aside, the Runway Visitor Park is a jolly afternoon with airplanes taking off. Works as a base for plane‐spotting, or as a day out with with the kids. And popular.