Fletcher Moss Park
Park with unusual Alpine, wetland and garden planting

Get there
- Public Transport
Bus, to gates
- Private Transport
Stenner Lane, not enough
Public transport: fifteen minutes walk. or extra bus, from the obvious Parr’s Wood centre (though some buses stop outside). Private transport: car parking can be restricted along Stenner Lane, with no clear alternatives, unless you use Parr’s Wood shopping malls.
No, it’s not large, but it’s spectacular. Fletcher Moss Park takes advantage of a sharp drop to a brook by constructing a miniature hillside and rockery. It’s a riot, it’s exotic, it’s one of the most unusual plants you will see—Romance? In Manchester? Pine trees cluster the top, with that strange cool and peace of pine and, as you descend, exotic bushes grow over your head like a magic tunnel. There’s twenty minutes of this, with longer small woodland walks—if you walk, go look for the Poplar Avenue, pretend you’re in a painting. Or if you like insects and birds, try the pools. Fletcher Moss is also a place for those who want to sit and, even better, go to the Parsonage Gardens. Throw in the charm of outside food vendors and benches under trees… how this park has survived the English, I have no idea. Only downsides are sometimes awkward access. Also, unless you’re local, you’ll think I’m pulling your leg when you see the path in. But Fletcher Moss has tennis courts (in Manchester!) and varied pubs on the outside corner.